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Looking for a way to invest in justice for your community? Click below!

 Doing Justice in Shawnee County, Kansas 

Upcoming Nehemiah Action Assembly

Join Topeka JUMP on April 10 from 6:30-8pm at Washburn’s White Concert Hall (1700 SW Jewell) for our annual Nehemiah Action. Together, we will call for solutions to our community’s most pressing problems, including violence, homelessness, and a lack of affordable housing.

Our Mission

To provide a powerful vehicle for marginalized groups in Shawnee County, Kansas to fight for justice.

“What does the LORD require of you? To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8

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Upcoming Events

3033 SW MacVicar Ave.

Topeka KS, 66611

(785) 783-3721

©2021 by Topeka JUMP

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